Scientific Computing Using Python - PHYS:4905
Lecture #07 - Prof. Kaaret
Elementary row operations as matrices, the inverse of a matrix,
factorization, and sets of solutions of a set of linear equations.
These notes borrow from Linear Algebra
by Cherney, Denton, Thomas, and Waldron.
Elementary row operations as matrices
Our three elementary row operations can be translated to
matrices. Let's start with 'Row swap' or exchanging two
rows. The following matrix will swap the first and second
rows of a matrix.
What matrix would swap the first and third rows?
The matrix for scalar multiplication, multiplication of a row by
a non-zero constant, is particularly simple. This matrix
will multiply the third row by the scalar c and leave the
other rows unchanged. In general, one starts with the
identity matrix and and changes one element on the diagonal to be
not equal to one.
For row addition, addition of a multiple of one row to another
row, one again starts with the identity matrix, but puts in an off
diagonal element. What will this matrix do?
The inverse of a matrix
If we want to solve an equation like 7x = 3, we multiply
both sides of the equation by 1/7, so
= 3
(1/7) 7x = (1/7) 3
x = 3/7
The value 1/7 is the inverse of 7.
Can we do this with matrices?
If M and N are matrices and I is the
identity matrix, then we say that N is the inverse of M
if NM = I.
We write N = M-1, in analogy with 1/7 = 7-1
and the inverse must satisfy the following relations,
And, the inverse is the inverse is my friend, or actually, the
original matrix,
Not all matrices have inverses. If the inverse does exist,
then the matrix is called invertible or nonsingular.
If a matrix does not have an inverse then it is called singular
or non-invertible.
So, how do you find the inverse of a matrix? Can you divide
the identity matrix by M?
First, we need to learn how to do algebra with matrices.
Associativity and non-commutativity
Matrix multiplication is associative. Specifically, (MN)R
= M(NR). It doesn't matter which product you do
Matrix multiplication is, in general, not commutative.
Specifically, for two generic square matrices,
Note that multiplication by some matrices is commutative, e.g. the
identity matrix. However, you cannot assume that matrix
multiplication is commutative for an arbitrary pair of matrices, so
you cannot commute two matrices when doing algebra with matrices.
Interestingly, the inverse of the product is the product of the
inverses with the order swapped,
Finding the inverse with EROS
Let's go back to our system of equations
We learned Gaussian elimination so that we could solve this set of
equations by transforming the augmented matrix
We did the Gaussian elimination by applying a set of elementary row
operations. From the first part of this lecture, we can now
write each of those EROs as a matrix. Let's call them E1,
E2, .E3, ...
If we call our original matrix M, so
Then by applying our EROs, we get the identity matrix, so
En ... E2E1M
= I
Note the order. You need to multiply M by E1
first, since it is the first operation applied.
Since matrix multiplication is associative, we can re-write the
equation above as
(En ... E2E1
) M = I
Comparing this to equation that defines the inverse of M, NM
= I, we see that the product of all of the EROs gives the
N = M-1 = En
... E2E1
Isn't that nice?
Note that we were able to transform the left part of the augmented
matrix to the identity matrix only when the corresponding set of
linear equations has a unique set of solutions. This wasn't
possible for all matrices. In the same way, not all matrices
have an inverse. Indeed, a matrix M is invertible only
if its reduced row echelon form is an identity matrix.
Interestingly, you can use the EROs to build up M if you
like. All of the EROs matrices that we defined above have
inverses. You can define a new ERO to undo the effect of any
given ERO, so this must be true. Now let's try
M = E1-1E2-1
... En-1
By the definition of the inverse,
M-1 M = I
If we plug in for M and M-1, we find
En ... E2E1
... En-1 = I
Remember that we can associate the matrix multiplications any way we
like. A nice way to associate them is to start at the middle
where we have E1 E1-1
. This, of course, equals the identity matrix. Multiplication
by the identity matrix gives back the original matrix, or we can
just cancel out the identity matrix from the equation, just like you
remove factors that multiply out to 1 in algebra.
En ... E2
E1 E1-1 E2-1
... En-1 = I
En ... E2
(E1 E1-1)
E2-1 ... En-1
= I
En ... E2
I E2-1 ... En-1
= I
En ... E2 E2-1
... En-1 = I
The middle of the equation will then be E2 E2-1
. We can repeat this procedure until we have only the identity
matrix on the left hand side of the equation, leaving I = I,
which is always true, so our original guess about writing M
in terms of the inverses of the EROs must also be true.
LU Factorization
In addition to finding inverses, we can also factor a
matrix. One form of a matrix that is useful for numerical
computation is the LU factorization. The matrix M is
written as the produce M = LU where L is a lower
triangular matrix, meaning that only the lower elements along or
below the diagonal are non-zero, and U is an upper triangular
matrix meaning only upper elements along or above the diagonal are
non-zero. For example,
One can also do LDU factorization where the diagonal elements of the
L and U matrices are 1 and there is a diagonal matrix
in the middle.
To do a factorization, one does Gaussian elimination and then groups
the EROs into blocks. The L matrix is the product of the
inverses of EROs which zero out below the diagonal by row addition,
D is the product of inverses of EROs which set the diagonal elements
to 1 by row multiplication, and U is the product of inverses of EROs
which zero out above the diagonal by row addition. If row
swaps are needed, then another matrix is needed in the
factorization. Note that the EROs need to be done in the
correct order, since matrix multiplication is not commutative.
There are algorithms, which are basically variations of Gaussian
elimination, to figure out the EROs.
Sets of solutions to sets of linear equations
A single linear equation can have:
- no solutions, e.g. 0x = 9 has no solutions,
- one solution, e.g. 3x = 9 has one solution x
= 3,.
- or infinitely many solutions., e.g. 0x = 0 is solved
by any real number.
A pair of linear equations can have also have no solutions, one
solution, or infinitely many solutions, but there are two types of
infinitely many solutions. One could have the equations x
+ 2y = 3 and 2x + 4y = 6 for which any
real number can be a solution for x as long as the corresponding y
= (3 - x)/2. Or one could have 0x + 0y = 0 and 0x + 0y
= 0 in which any pair of real numbers is a solution.
If you think of this geometrically, then the set of possible values
of (x, y) are a two dimensional space. The case
of one solution is a point in the space, the pair of equations
x + 2y = 3 and 2x + 4y = 6 have a
set of solutions that form a line in the space, and the zero
equations fill the whole space.
If we have n variables, then they form an n-dimensional
space and the solutions can range from a point in the space, to a
line, to a plane, ..., to filling up the whole space.
We can write our system of linear equations in matrix form as Mx
= v. If the system of linear equations has multiple
solutions, meaning at least one line of solutions, then it must be
true that the equation Mx = 0 has some solution xH
such that MxH = 0. The line of
solutions can then be written in the form x = xP
+ µxH where is a real number. The equation Mx
= 0 his called a homogeneous equation and its solutions are called
the homogeneous solutions. If the set of a solutions is a
plane, then must be two homogeneous solutions that one can use to
define the plane.
The assignment for today's class involves the inverse matrix and
using EROs in to find an inverse matrix.
HW #7 is due on 9/19.