Scientific Computing Using Python - PHYS:4905
Python Homework #4
Due 9/10/2019

This homework must be handed in electronically.  You will need to upload one file for each problem containing your Python code as a text file.  Please have the file name start with your last name, e.g.  You can make the name longer if you like, e.g. for the first problem and for the second.  I will grade the assignment by downloading your code and running it, so you should be sure that it is complete and runs correctly under Spyder.

1. (5) Write a Python program to import the HaloSat orbit data in FITS format, plot the distance of HaloSat from the center of the Earth as a function of time, and find the minimum and maximum of that distance.  From inspection of your results, about how far is HaloSat above the surface of the Earth?  You may treat the Earth as a sphere.

2. (30) Write a Python program to do a random walk in two dimensions and plot the walk path.  Each step should have a length of 1 and be randomly chosen to be in any direction with equal probability.  'Any direction' means that the step can be at any angle, not only the four cardinal directions.  Have the walk stop when it has reached a distance of 10 or greater from its origin.  Do 5 walks and plot all of them on the same plot using different colors or line styles so that the walks can be distinguished.  Include a legend indicating the number of steps taken in each walk and a circle with a radius of 10 centered on the origin.