Chateau Chemery

This small chateau is surrounded by a moat and consists of two sections, one much older than the other. The chateau is interesting because it is in the middle of a major restoration. One can see the awful mess of the unrestored areas and the beautiful results of the restoration. You get a really good idea of just how much work is involved in a restoration project.

(Click on each photo to get the full-sized image)

Castle front entrance, moat and drawbridge.

Castle rear (left), moat and drawbridge.

Castle front entrance, moat and drawbridge seen from the opposite direction.

Castle rear (left), moat and drawbridge seen from the opposite direction.

The interior courtyard is shown here. To the right is the oldest square tower of the castle. This section is under reconstruction.

Second view of the oldest section showing the reconstructed defensive wall. It was rebuilt by the owners, by hand and one brick at a time.

Closer view of the oldest wall.

The second and third rounds of building produced these towers. Note the differences in tower design. The two windows to the right were originally a tower similar to the middle one. The missing tower will eventually be rebuilt.