Class Policies for PHYS:1701 Physics I

Clickers The course will make extensive use of the Top Hat ( classroom response system in class, required for every class lecture and discussion. You will be able to submit answers to in-class questions using Apple or Android smartphones and tablets, laptops, or through text message. You can visit the Top Hat Success Center ( to learn how to register for a Top Hat account and get you up and running on the system. Our Course Join Code is 985452 . Should you require assistance with Top Hat at any time, due to the fact that they require specific user information to troubleshoot these issues, please contact their Support Team directly by way of email (, the in app support button, or by calling 1-888-663-5491.
Homework Weekly homework assignments are to be completed online using WileyPLUS, accessible through a link on our ICON course page. With the exception of Homework #0, all assignments must be completed online by 11:00pm on the day they are due. Late homework will not be accepted. You are encouraged to work together in groups on the homework, but each student must calculate the solutions to his/her own questions and submit the answers on WileyPLUS. Any solutions not available on WileyPLUS will be available on the ICON course website the day following the due date. If the score of the diagnostic test given in week 9 is higher, it will be used in place of your lowest homework score.
Labs The laboratory assignments are a key part of the course, to be held under the supervision of your teaching assistant, who will also grade the laboratory reports. The iOLab Device, which can be purchased or just rented for the semester, is required to perform the laboratory activities. Questions about laboratory grading should be directed to your TA. Eating and drinking in the laboratory is not allowed. Conflicts between laboratory meeting times and night exams offered in other classes are to be resolved by the student asking for a make-up exam for the conflicting night exam. University policy is that instructors must offer such a make-up exam and that regularly scheduled class time, including laboratory, takes precedence over night exams. If a student misses a lab period due to illness or is required to quarantine, the laboratory exercises may be completed at home using the iOLab Device.
Exams Three midterm exams will be held during regular class hours on the dates specified above. Exams will be closed book, but each student may bring a single, one-sided 8.5 by 11 inch formula sheet---no words may be written on the sheet, only formulas, and the formula sheet must be turned in with your exam. Midterm exams will cover the material specified above, and the final exam will be comprehensive. Exam solutions will be available on the ICON course website. There will be no make-ups for the one-hour exams except in truly extraordinary circumstances for which the student comes to the instructor before the exam to plan a make-up.
Reading Quizzes Reading assignments must be completed before lecture. Completion of the reading is essential for the interactive learning method to be effective. During the semester, we will have 10 unannounced reading quizzes to be taken in class using Top Hat, intended to encourage reading and awareness of topics rather than in-depth understanding. The grades for the quizzes can only help your grade: at the end of the semester, you can improve your final exam grade (up to the maximum of 200 points) by your overall quiz percentage times 10 points. For example, if your final exam score is 150/200 and your quiz score is 80%, the the final exam score used for grading would be: 150 + (80% * 10)=158.
Absence Policy Attendance is encouraged but not required for all regular class meetings, but any opportunities for extra credit through class activities, such as reading quizzes, will not be made up for any reason in the event of absence. Attendance during scheduled exams is required and make-up exams will only we given if the student comes to the instructor with appropriate justification before the exam to plan a make-up. If you feel sick, please stay home per University health and safety guidelines. If a student is required to quarantine, the course material and activities have been designed so that students will be able to complete homework and laboratory assignments from home.
Physics Tutorials Teaching assistants are available for free tutoring in TILE Commons Room, 310 Van Allen Hall, during posted hours. While you are strongly encouraged to seek help from the TAs and the instructor, do not expect them to do your homework for you.