The following papers concluded two PhD theses in Physics (Astronomy subtrack) at the University of Iowa. Congratulations, Dr. Joshua Steffen and Dr. Arran Gross!
- “SDSS-IV MaNGA: How Galaxy Interactions Influence Active Galactic Nuclei”, Steffen, J. L., Fu, H., and 8 colleagues, ApJ, 942 (2023) [Catalog]
Above: Modeling the elevated dual AGN volume densities with correlated
activities (blue curves) and merger-induced accretion (red curves).
Above: A subset of close galaxy pairs fully covered by MaNGA IFUs
(dashed hexagons) from this study.
Full catalog on Github.
- “Testing the Radio-Selection Method of Dual Active Galactic Nuclei in the Stripe 82 Field”, Gross, A. C., Fu, H., and 4 colleagues, ApJ, 945 (2023)
Above: Analyzing the Keck/LRIS longslit spectroscopy of a
candidate dual AGN.
Above: Optical, near-infrared, and radio imaging of candidate dual
AGN in the Stripe 82 field.
The research benefited from the excellent data of ground-based observational facilities like the Very Large Array, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and the Keck Observatories. The work at Iowa was generously supported by the Natinoal Science Foundation (NSF) under grants AST-1614326 and AST-2103251.