Project proposal presentations

Each group will have 8 minutes to give a presentation about the project that they plan to do.  There will be 4 minutes for questions for each talk.  Anyone in the class is allowed to ask a question at any point during/after each talk.  Each group should prepare at least 5 and no more than 8 slides covering the following:

* title, authors (group members), paper reference (if using one) with title, authors, and journal, volume, page and a link to the paper
* background – introduce the class to the subject
* motivation - what question does the project try to answer? why is that important?
* analysis and results – what data will you look at and how? - describe any differences from the paper
* conclusions – what do you hope to learn in terms of specific results? - describe any differences from the paper

Slides in pdf, openoffice/libreoffice, or powerpoint are OK.  You should e-mail the slides to me (preferably in pdf) by midnight after your talk.