General Astronomy - Spring 2013
Homework #10 - not due May 6

Circle the correct answer.

1. (2 pt) The distribution of gamma-ray bursts on the sky is: a) isotropic, b) concentrated along the Galactic plane, c) correlated with the local group of galaxies, d) lumpy.

2. (2 pt) The measured distribution of fluxes, log(N>S) versus log(S) where S is the source flux and N is the number of sources, has an exponent of -3/2 for a homogeneous distribution of sources.  The log(N>S) versus log(S) distribution for gamma-ray bursts: a) follows a -3/2 power law, b) follows a -3/2 power at high fluxes, but falls below at low fluxes, c) follows a -3/2 power at high fluxes, but lies below at low fluxes.

3. (2 pt) The first optical counterpart to a gamma-ray burst was identified using an X-ray position for the gamma-ray burst measured by: a) Vela, b) BATSE, c) BeppoSAX, d) Swift.

4. (2 pt) Detection of the first optical counterpart to a gamma-ray burst greatly advanced the field because it was then possible to: a) find the progenitor star of the gamma-ray burst, b) determine where in the Milky Way the gamma-ray burst originated, c) measure the red shift to the gamma-ray burst, d) the public likes nice optical pictures.

5. (2 pt) The locations of long gamma-ray bursts: a) trace the distribution of star light in the host galaxy, b) are often outside the host galaxy, c) all point to known supernova remnants, d) are impossible to determine.

6. (2 pt) Long gamma-ray bursts are thought to be related to: a) mergers of neutron stars, b) elliptical galaxies, c) supernovae, d) Kate and William.

7. (2 pt) Short gamma-ray bursts are thought to be produced by: a) mergers of neutron stars, b) collapse of massive stars, c) failed long GRBs, d) nuclear burning on the surface of a neutron star.

8. (2 pt) The gamma-ray emission from GRBs is thought to be: a) isotropic, b) beamed, c) chocolate.

9. (2 pt) The highest red shift observed for a GRB is: a) 0.03, b) 1.7, c) 2.7, d) 8.2.