Astronomical Laboratory

ASTR:4850 - Fall 2015


Instructor:  Prof. Philip Kaaret
Office: 702 Van Allen Hall
Phone: 335-1985
Office hours:  Tuesday and Wednesday 1:30-3:00 pm or by appointment
Course website:

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
DEO: Prof. Frederick Skiff
Office: 203 Van Allen Hall
Phone: 335-1686

Description of Course:  Astronomical Laboratory is a course intended to acquaint students with the basic instruments of optical astronomy.  The emphasis is on the devices themselves (particularly charge-coupled devices or CCDs), computer control of instruments, and acquisition, reduction, and analysis of data. The intended outcomes of the course are that each student gain the skills needed to successfully operate and analyze data from CCDs detectors mounted on optical telescopes, learn how to pose and answer questions in astrophysics research, and understand how astrophysicists expand our knowledge of the universe.

Attendance:  The class will meet from 6:30 to 9:15 pm on Mondays in Room 655 of Van Allen Hall.  In addition, it will occassionally be necessary for students to perform observations during the night.  Times and locations will arranged.  Any student who has previous committments during the evening should bring those to the attention of the instructor. 

Prerequisites: Students are expected to have a basic understanding of astronomy at the level of General Astronomy I and II and a basic understanding of mechanics and electricity & magnetism at the level of Physics I and II.  Students should have taken or currently be taking a course that covers electromagnetic waves at the level of Physics III.

Required materials: Students are expected to buy or have access to the textbook for the course, which is Handbook of CCD Astronomy, second edition, by Steve B. Howell.  Students must purchase a laboratory notebook and bring it to each class for use through out the semester.

Course work: Students will be required to complete reading, homework, laboratory assignments, and reports and presentations based on research projects. 

Grading: The grade in the course will be based on the homework (20%), laboratory assignments (30%), and reports and presentations based on research projects (50%).  Plus and minus grades will be awarded.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Important Policies and Procedures

See the required CLAS syllabus insert.