Analysis of a Suzaku Observation of Diffuse X-Ray Emission

Before class

Download and install LHEASOFT

Get the spectrum

First try at fitting the spectrum

Fitting the spectrum to find the oxygen line emission

Read the paper "Energy Spectra of the Soft X-Ray Diffuse Emission in Fourteen Fields Observed with Suzaku" by Tomotaka Yoshino et al. (2009) from

With your spectrum loaded into xspec, try to reproduce the fits in tables 3, 4, and 5 for this spectrum. For the model components, you should use TBabs for absorption, apec for thermal plasma emission, powerlaw for a powerlaw, bknpower for a broken powerlaw. For the fits for table 5, you will need to use vapec in order to set the oxygen line emission to zero and gaussian for oxygen lines.  The last model is something like:
  TBabs(vapec + bknpower) + vapec + gaussian + gaussian
The minimum temperature parameter value for vapec is different than apec, and may be set to a new value using 'newpar'. For this last model it may be easier to use apec to find a best-fit, then switch to vapec models for which you substitute in the best-fit parameter values.

For each model corresponding to each table, record the best fit parameters and the quality of the fit. You can do that by capturing the screen output from xspec into a text file. Compare with the values in the paper. Note that you should run the error command to find uncertainties. You may need to redo the fitting after running error. Sometimes a few iterations are needed. Occasionally, XSpec will get stuck in a local minimum of chi-squared space and you will need to run the 'steppar' command (read more about this in the XSpec manual).
In order to properly compare your normalization values to those in the paper, you will need to divide your values by 2.215E-5 steradians (total field of view for this observation) so that the units are consistent.

For the last model, save a plot of your spectrum with your best fit using the 'hardcopy' command.  Do this both for 'plot ldata delchi' and 'plot' with ufspec, eufspec, or eeufspec - pick the one that you think best shows the spectrum. If you wish to plot the underlying model components in your figures (as seen in the reference paper), use the command 'setplot add' before plotting. You may need to resize the axes using the 'iplot' command followed by the resizing command for the y-axis 'r y [min] [max]'.