The website for the class is
The syllabus is at
The required textbook is the Updated edition of A
Student's Guide to Python for Physical Modeling by Kinder
and Nelson. How many of you have the textbook with you
now? You should bring the textbook to each of the next
several lectures.
The Linear Algebra textbook for the course is Linear Algebra
by Cherney, Denton, Thomas, and Waldron. It is available for free
Another linear algebra resource is Linear Algebra: A Course
for Physicists and Engineers by Mathai and Haubold. This
book is available electronically for free via the UI Libraries at
Python 3.7 is installed on the computer in front of you.
Please log in now, it can take a while. If you prefer to use
your own computer, install Anaconda Python 3.7 from
What do you do when you program a computer?
Usually, programming is described as writing down a set of
instructions for the computer to execute. That is correct,
but leaves out an equally important part of programming, which is
thinking up appropriate data structures. Say you want to
calculate the electric field between two parallel plates.
What sort of data structure do you need?
The textbook refers to this as 'the state' of the computer.
At a fundamental level, programs read and modify the contents of
memory cells in the computer. Fortunately, programming
languages like Python abstract away from these low level details
and allow us to think in terms of data structures like vectors and
On your computer, startup Spyder by going to Windows Menu, Anaconda, then Spyder. We will be using Spyder a lot, so before you might want to right click on it and do "Pin to taskbar".
Spyder has several panes. For today, we'll be using the
Console pane. In the Console pane, type
x = 2
x = x+1
Most programming languages use the = sign as an assignment
operator. The variable named on the left side of the = is
set equal to the value of the expression on the right side of the
=. It is ok to have the same variable on both sides of the
=. In normal math, the second line would make no sense, but
in Python it means add one to the current value of x and replace
the contents of x with that sum.
If you want to check if two expressions are equal, then you need
to use the operator ==. Type
2 == 2
You should get the result True. Type
2 == 1
You should get the result False.
Note that Python can use logical or Boolean values
(True/False) for variables as well as numerical values. Try typing
a = True
The console should print out True.
Python uses two different types of numbers, integers and floating
point numbers or 'floats'. Integers do not have a fractional
part. They are often more compact to store in memory and are
faster to do operations with than floats, so they are often used
for efficiency. Also, there are some situations where it
doesn't make sense to use a number with a fractional part, e.g.
choosing the nth entry in a vector, so Python
requires use of integers in those cases. Python decides
whether a variable should be an integer or float based on the
number that you assign to it.
a = 1.4
makes a a float. While
a = 14
makes a an integer.
c = 4+5j
The exponentiation operator in Python is **, so to square a
number, you do x**2. Try
Do you get the answer that you expect for a complex number?
How about if you try
Python can also use 'strings' to represent text. Type
s = 'Hello'
t = 'there'
You should get 'Hellothere'. It is possible to manipulate
strings, but some of the operators have different behavior than
for numbers.
Python has two major versions Python 2 and Python 3. The
two versions of Python are not quite compatible. It is best
to learn Python 3 because Python 2 will not be maintained past
2020. There is even a website counting down to the end of
support for Python 2 at
The textbook is written using Python 3. The Physics
computers have Python 3.7 installed.
One of the biggest differences between Python 2 and 3 is how they
handle division of integers. Type
You should get 1.5. If you get 1, then you are using Python 2. In Python 2, when you divide two integers you get an integer back, which drops any fractional part of the answer. In Python 3, when you divide two integers you get a float back.
If you are running Python 2 and want to make it compatible with Python 3, you can do so by including a few lines of code at the start of each session and at the top of every Python program. Note that you do not need to do this on the computers in the lab or any other computer running Python 3. The two lines are
from __future__
import division, print_function
input = raw_input
We can set up Spyder to add this automatically to any program we write using the Spyder menu. Do Tools/Preferences/Editor/Advanced and then click on 'Edit template for new modules' and add the two lines above below the last line.
We can also set up Spyder run these lines automatically in the
console. Do Tools/Preferences/IPython console/Startup. Then in the
box 'Lines', type the line below.
from __future__
import division, from
__future__ import print_function, input = raw_input
These customizations of Spyder will also be useful when you start
programming. You will likely want to include more lines for
both the console and editor after you have seen what libraries you
use on a regular basis.
Python has relatively few built-in functions, but there are many libraries of useful functions written in Python and publicly available. The most important library for us is NumPy which is a numerical processing library and implements functions like sqrt (for square root), values like pi, and data structures like vectors and matrices. You tell Python that you want to use a library by importing it. Type
import numpy
You should then be able to type expressions like
numpy.sqrt(2) and numpy.pi.
It is inconvenient to always have to type out numpy, so Python allows you to import the numpy library and give it a different name. Type
import numpy as np
Then try np.sqrt(2) and np.pi. The textbook uses
this as its standard way to import the numpy library and the
examples in the text assume that you have previously done 'import
numpy as np'. You might consider adding this to your Spyder
Some of us are very lazy and find typing even three characters too troublesome. Python also enables this level of laziness. Type
from numpy import
Then try sqrt(2) and pi. Finally, one has made
Python look like the scientific programming language that it
should be. However, importing all of the functions from
numpy can create issues if you or another library that you have
loaded has functions with the same names. In this case, you
can limit the number of functions imported by using a line like
from numpy import
sqrt, pi
In this case, Python will import only the selected
The remainder of today's class will be devoted to learning the
basics of Python by working through the first chapter of the
textbook. As you read the chapter, enter the commands in the
purple highlights into Spyder and see what you get. When you
are done with the chapter, do the first assignment which will be
due at the start of the next class. If you are already
comfortable with Python, feel free to move directly to the
assignment. Also, please do the reading for the next class before
class on Thursday.
HW #1 is due at the beginning of the
next class. For the first couple of weeks of this
class, there will be a homework assignment for each class that
will be due at the beginning of the following class. The
reason for this is that each class builds directly on what has
gone before and you really need to do programming yourself to
figure out how it works.