Scientific Computing Using Python - PHYS:4905

Lectures #14, #15, #16 - Prof. Kaaret

Homework #12 is at the bottom of the page.

Lecture #14

Fitting a curve to data

In physics, and many other fields, we often wish to fit a theoretically or empirically motivated function to a set of data.  The data is usually taken to consist of a set of data points.  Each data point is specified by
For example, if we measure the position of a car moving along a road as a function of time, the the independent variable would be the time of the measurement, the measured variable would be the position of the car at that specific time, and the error would be an estimate of the potential inaccuracy of our position measurement.  Note that the independent variable is usually taken to be exactly known.

To fit a set of data, we need a "model" which is a function, y(x, A), with some set of parameters, A, that we adjust during the fitting process, and some way to evaluate the level of disagreement between the model and the data that we call our goodness-of-fit metric.  A very commonly used measure of the goodness of fit is chi-squared or

χ2=i[yi-y(xi,A)i]2χ^2 = \underset{i}{∑}\left[ \frac{y_i - y(x_i, A)}{ℴ_i}\right]^2
To fit the model to the data, we have to figure out what set of parameters, A, for y(x, A) leads to the best goodness of fit.  By inspection, you can see that χ2χ^2 gets smaller as y(xi) gets close to yi, so we want to minimize χ2χ^2 to obtain the best goodness of fit.  This is called finding the best fit.

Presented with the task of fitting a curve to some data, your first thought might be to write a program that iteratively adjusts the parameters in a fashion similar to how we found the roots of a function.  This is a good thought and exactly what we will do for non-linear functions in a subsequent series of lectures, but it turns out that we can directly calculate the best fit for some simple and frequently used models.

Linear models

As you may have guessed, linear algebra enables one to calculate the best fit for linear models in a linear fashion (no looping).  Let's write our linear model as y(x)=a+bxy(x) = a + bx.  The parameters that we are trying to fit are a and b.

Then our equation for chi-squared becomes
χ2=i[yi-a-bxii]2χ^2 = \underset{i}{∑}\left[ \frac{y_i - a - bx_i}{ℴ_i}\right]^
We can find the values of a and b that minimize chi-squared by taking the partial derivatives of chi-squared with respect to a and b and setting them to zero.

aχ2=ai1i2(yi-a-bxi)2=-2i1i2(yi-a-bxi)=0\frac{∂}{∂a}χ^2 = \frac{∂}{∂a} \underset{i}{∑} \frac{1}{ℴ_i^2} \left( y_i - a - bx_i \right)^2 = -2 \underset{i}{∑} \frac{1}{ℴ_i^2} \left( y_i - a - bx_i \right) = 0and
bχ2=bi1i2(yi-a-bxi)2=-2ixii2(yi-a-bxi)=0\frac{∂}{∂b}χ^2 = \frac{∂}{∂b} \underset{i}{∑} \frac{1}{ℴ_i^2} \left( y_i - a - bx_i \right)^2 = -2 \underset{i}{∑} \frac{x_i}{ℴ_i^2} \left( y_i - a - bx_i \right) = 0
We can write these as a pair of linear simultaneous equations in a and b:

yiσi2=a1σi2+bxiσi2∑\frac{y_i}{σ_i^2} = a \, ∑\frac{1}{σ_i^2} + b \, ∑\frac{x_i}{σ_i^2}and
xiyiσi2=axiσi2+bxi2σi2∑\frac{x_i y_i}{σ_i^2} = a \, ∑\frac{x_i}{σ_i^2} + b \, ∑\frac{x_i^2}{σ_i^2}

Time for some Python

Let's write some Python code to implement chi-squared fitting of linear models.  Assume that you are given arrays with your independent variable, measured variable, and error.  Define a function using

def linear_fit1(x, y, yerr) :

The first thing that you'll want to do is calculate the sums.  Let's call them sum1, sumx, sumy, sumxy, and sumx2. The corresponding sum equation should be clear (ok, I don't feel like writing them out).  Note that you have to divide each term in each sum by the square of the error.

Now figure out equations for a and b in terms of the sums.  You might decide you use your Gaussian elimination routine to find a and b once you have calculated the various sums.  That works.  However, your code will be more efficient if you take a few minutes to do the algebra to write down solutions for a and b in terms of the sums and code those equations directly.
Once you have the equations, write the corresponding Python code to calculate a and b.  Finally, return a, b as a tuple.

See if it fits

The data in the table below comes from testing a Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) used in the X-ray detectors in the HaloSat CubeSat.  In a TEC, one drives an electrical current across the junction between two different semiconducting materials.  The current causes heat to flow between the two materials, for details see  TECs can be used to either heat or cool, depending on which way the current flows.  In HaloSat, one side of the TEC is connected to a heat sink, which can dissipate heat at a relatively constant temperature, and current is flowed to make the other side of the TEC cold, usually about -30 C.  This provides the cold operating temperatures for the silicon drift X-ray detectors inside HaloSat, even when the spacecraft warms as hot as 30 C.  To figure out how to operate the TECs to maintain a constant cold temperature, we needed to figure out the relationship between the voltage applied across the TEC and the current that flows across the TEC.  The data from the measurements is in the table below.  Note that Voltage is the independent variable and Current is the measured variable.

Voltage [V] Current [A] Error [A]
0.2 0.00 0.005
0.4 0.03 0.005
0.6 0.05 0.006
0.8 0.07 0.006
1.0 0.10 0.006
1.2 0.13 0.006
1.4 0.15 0.007
1.6 0.18 0.007
1.8 0.20 0.007
2.0 0.23 0.007
2.2 0.26 0.008
2.3 0.28 0.008
2.4 0.30 0.008
2.5 0.31 0.008
2.6 0.33 0.008
2.7 0.34 0.008

Enter the data in the table in your computer.  How you do this is up to you.  You type the data into your code directly or you might save the data in a text file and then use np.loadtxt from lecture #4.

Once you have the data, plot it with errorbars.  You will probably want to use plt.errorbar.  You can search on the web for the details of that function.  Note that you do not want to plot lines connecting the points, just plot the points themselves with error bars.

Now use your linear_fit1 function to determine the best fitting linear relation between voltage and current.  Print out those parameters and plot the fitted line over the data.  How would you interpret the slope of the relation in physical terms?  How about the offset?  Write additional print statements that translate your fitted slope and offset to more physical quantities.

Let's look graphically at how well our best fitted model fits the data.  The "residuals" are the deviation of the data from the model normalized by the measurement error, (yi-y(xi))/σi(y_i - y(x_i))/σ_i.  Make a plot of the residuals versus x.  The magnitude of the difference between a measured value and the 'ideal' value, which in this case we'll take as the value predicted by the best fitted model, should be about as large as the measurement error.  In symbols, this translates to |yi-y(xi)|σi\begin{vmatrix} y_i - y(x_i) \end{vmatrix} ≈σ_i meaning that the magnitude of the residual for each data point should be about 1.  For a good fit, the data should lie above the fit about half the time and, conversely, below the fit about half the time.  Since the measurement errors are random, there should be no systematic trends and the residuals should randomly scatter about zero with an average magnitude of about one.

Now write code that:
  1. Reads in data.
  2. Plots the data with errorbars.
  3. Does a linear fit and prints out the results.
  4. Plots the fit on the data.
  5. Plots the residuals (in a separate window or separate panel).
  6. Calculates the chi-squared and prints out the result

Lecture #15


The sum for chi-squared is the sum of the squares of the residuals.  Thus, the chi-squared should increase as the number of data points increases.  The chi-squared is actually slightly reduced because of the free parameters available in the model being fitted.  Imagine you have just two measurements.  In that case, the best fitted line will exactly go through both data points and the chi-squared will be zero.  In general, we define the "degrees of freedom" (aka DoF or ν) as equal to the number of data points minus the number of parameters in the fitted function.  In this example, there are 16 data point and there are two parameters (a, b) in the fitted function, so the number of degrees of freedom is 14.  For a good fit, the chi-squared should be able equal to the number of degrees of freedom.

The "reduced chi-squared" or χ2/νχ^2/ν is often taken as a measure of goodness of fit.  For a good fit with accurately estimated errors, χ2/ν1χ^2/ν ≈ 1.  If the reduced chi-squared is much larger than 1, then you probably have a poor fit and should use a more sophisticated model (of the measurement errors are too small).   If the reduced chi-squared is much smaller than 1, then the measurement errors are probably too large.

To make this quantitative, we need to introduce the probability distribution for chi-squared as shown in the figure below.  Measurement errors are random, so the deviation of any particular measured value from the true or expected value is random.  Typically, the deviations will have about the same magnitude as the measurement error, so the residuals will have magnitudes of about 1 and the chi-squared will roughly equal the DoF.  If the chi-squared is a little above or a little below the DoF, this doesn't mean anything.  Such fluctuations are expected because the measurement process inherently involves randomness.

But what if you get a chi-squared that is a lot bigger than the DoF.  It could be that you got unlucky and the measured values just happened to deviate from the expected values by much more than the measurement errors.  Or it may mean that the model is a poor description of the data.  Imagine you have some set of data and have made a fit with ν degrees of freedom that produces a chi-squared of χ2χ^2.  The probability distribution gives the chances of randomly producing that particular chi-squared with that many degrees of freedom assuming that our model is a correct description of the data.  Now let's integrate the probability distribution from χ2χ^2 to infinity as shown by the shaded region in the figure.  Larger values of χ2χ^2 correspond to worse fits (larger deviations between the fitted model and the data), so that integral will give us the probability, p, of randomly getting a fit as bad or worse than the one that we have.  If the probability is very low, then it is very unlikely that the large chi-squared was produced by chance.  We conclude, instead, that the model really is not a good description of the data. We say that that model has a chance probability of occurrence of p or equivalently that we can exclude the model with a confidence level of 1-p.

The integral of the probability distribution function is called the cumulative distribution function (cdf).  The integral for the cdf goes from zero to the value of interest, so it corresponds to the unshaded region in the figure.  The cdf is normalized to 1, so we can find the shaded region by subtracting the cdf from 1.  The scipy library has the cdf for chi-squared in its stats module.  For a  chi-squared equal to chisq and a DoF equal to dof, we can calculate the probability p as described above using the function call

scipy import stats
p = 1- stats.chi2.cdf(chisq, dof)

Now add code to your program to calculate and then print out the chi-squared for your best fit, the number of degrees of freedom, and the fit probability.

If you don't know your measurement errors, but you are willing to make the assumptions that the errors are the same for all data points and that the model provides a good fit to the data, then you can adjust the errors so that the reduced chi-squared equals one.  People sometimes do this, but it is much better to independently estimate your errors if at all possible.

Radioactive decay

Radioactive decay is when an unstable atomic nucleus transforms into a different type of nucleus by emitting radiation, either a gamma-ray or a particle such as an alpha particle or a positron (usually accompanied by a neutrino).  If one begins with a fixed sample of radioactive material, then the number of decay events as a function of time, N(t), decreases as an exponential function of time

N(t)=N0e-t/τN(t) = N_0 e^{-t/τ}
where N0 is the rate of decay events at time t = 0, and τ is the "mean lifetime" or "1/e life" of the material.  It is the time required for the rate to decay to 1/e of its original value.  The decay is also often described in terms of the half-life, t1/2, required for the rate to decay to one half of its original value.  The two are related as t1/2=τln(2)t_{1/2} = τ \, \ln(2).

Fluorine-18 is a short lived radioisotope that decays 97% of the time by positron emission to Oxygen-18. It is used in medicine for in positron emission tomography (PET) and there is a cyclotron on our medical campus used to produce F-18.  This file fluorine18.csv contains data on the radioactive decay of a sample of F-18, specifically the number of positrons detected as a function of time.  Unfortunately, the data are simulated as I didn't have any experimental data on hand.

Poisson noise

The data consists of only two columns, time (in seconds) and counts recorded by the detector (which does not have units).  There is no column for error on the rate measurement.  This is because we can calculate the error from the number of counts.  Radioactive decays are random and independent events.  The time at which a particular nucleus decays is determined by quantum fluctuations internal to the nucleus and is not affect by the surrounding nuclei.  Such random events are described as a Poisson process, see for further reading.

Image we have a Poisson process that generates on average λ events in a given time interval Δt.  If we make repeated measurements, each of which consists of counting the number of events in different time intervals all of duration Δt, then the probability of finding n counts in a particular measurement, p(n), will be

p(n)=λnn!e-λp(n) = \frac{λ^n}{n!} \, e^{-λ}
This is called the Poisson distribution.  The Poisson distribution for several different values of λ is shown below.  For low λ, the distribution is skewed, but as λ increases, the distributions become more and more symmetric.

In the limit of large λ, the Poisson distribution is well approximated by a Gaussian or "normal" distribution with a mean of λ and a standard deviation of sqrt(λ).  The Gaussian distribution is described here  The equation for the Gaussian distribution and few sample Gaussians with different parameters (μ = mean, σ = standard deviation) are below.

Probability density function for the normal distribution

     p(x)=12πσ2e-(x-μ)222p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2πσ^2}} \, e^{-\frac{(x-μ)^2}{2ℴ^2}}

The standard deviation, σ, is a measure of the width of the distribution.  If we think of the distribution as representing repeated measurements of the same quantity, then σ would be the measurement error.  (It is not by accident that we use the same symbol for standard deviation here and measurement error above.)

The fact that the large λ limit of a Poisson distribution is a Gaussian with a standard deviation equal to the square root of the mean enables us to estimate the errors for our radioactive decay measurements.  Since the number of detected events in each time bin is large (meaning larger than 10), we can assign the error on a time bin with N counts to be sqrt(N).  Isn't that nice?

Doing non-linear fits with a linear fitting routine

We now have our data with error estimates.  Go ahead and apply your fitting routine from the TEC example to the radioactive decay data, i.e. fit a model in which you assume that the number of decays is a linear function of time.  Is the fit good?  Are there systematic trends in the residuals?  What is the chance probability of occurrence p of the fit?  With what confidence can you rule out a linear model as being a good description of the radioactive decay data?

Now that we have ruled out a linear model, how do we fit the expected exponential model given that we have only a linear fitting routine.  Your first thought might be to write code for a non-linear fitting routine (or use one in a Python library), but since we like to re-use our code, let's try to do that first.

We need to transform our exponential decay equation

N(t)=N0e-t/τN(t) = N_0 e^{-t/τ}
into the linear equation y(x)=a+bxy(x) = a + bx.  We can do this by taking the natural logarithm of both sides.  We find
ln(N)=ln(N0)-t/τ\ln(N) = \ln(N_0) -t/τ
This is the same as the linear equation if we set  x = and  y = ln(N). 
Then we have a = ln(N0) and b = -1/τ.

Note that we need to calculate the error on y.  We do this by taking the derivative of y with respect to N.

σy=dydNσN=ddNln(N)σN=1NσN=1NN=1Nσ_y = \frac{dy}{dN} \, σ_N = \frac{d}{dN} \ln(N) \, σ_N = \frac{1}{N}\, σ_N = \frac{1}{N}\, \sqrt{N} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}

Write some Python code to plot and fit the radioactive decay data to an exponential. Your code should
  1. Read in data.
  2. Plot the data (N not y) with errorbars (think about what scales you want on the axes).
  3. Do an exponential fit using your linear fitting routine and prints out the results in terms of the parameters of the exponential decay equation.
  4. Plot the fit on the data (remember to translate back to counts).
  5. Plot the residuals (in a separate window or separate panel).
  6. Calculates and prints out the chi-squared, DoF, and probability related to the goodness of fit.

Lecture #16


You might have hear someone talking about some piece of physics that appeared in the news and say, "We can ignore that result, it's only 3-sigma." result or "It's a solid 5-sigma result".  What are they talking about?

The number of sigma is a short hand for describing the probability that a result is due to chance, or equivalently, the confidence level of the result.  Sigma refers to the number of standard deviations assuming a Gaussian distribution.  The corresponding probability is found by taking 1 minus the integration from -nσ to +nσ.  The plots below, from, shows the integrals for 1-sigma and 2-sigma.

1 sigma        2 sigma

The integral, p, from -1σ to +1σ is 0.68.  This means that if we make repeated measurements of a given quantity and assign standard error bars of 1-sigma, then the error bars should overlap with the true value about 68% or two-thirds of the time.  Conversely, about one-third of our measurements should have error bars that don't overlap with the true value.  The same fractions holds if our measured variable depends on one or more independent variables.  If we fit the data with a model that is a good description of the data, then the error range on the measurements should overlap with the model about two-thirds of the time and not overlap about one-third of the time.  If we increase the number of sigma, then the integral, p, covers a larger fraction of the distribution. 

When searching for a novel result, one takes a "null" hypothesis and then calculates the probability that the result could occur by chance given the null hypothesis.  As an example, let's take the discovery of the Higgs boson.  The plot below was calculated from data collected by the ATLAS experiment, a detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.  (The CMS experiment at the LHC did an equally good job in discovering the Higgs, but ATLAS included a nice plot of the residuals.)  The data are collected from a very large number of proton-proton collisions.  In each collision, ATLAS searched for pairs of photons (γ's) that looked like they were produced by the decay of some particle.  For each identified photon pair, they then estimated the mass of the putative intermediate particle that produced them (in energy units, E = mc2).  The plot is a histogram of all of those mass estimates.  The evidence for the Higgs is the little bump around127 GeV.

See the source

There are lots of background processes that can produce photon pairs, but are not actually from the decay of an intermediate particle.  The estimated intermediate particle masses for these background events covers a continuous range.  The distribution of masses from background events was modeled with a fourth order polynomial and is shown as a dashed red line.

The null hypothesis in this case is that there is no Higgs boson (at least in the mass range examined) and that the little bump near 127 GeV is merely a random fluctuation in the background.  If we look at the points below 120 GeV and above 132 GeV, there are 24 points; 17 of them have error bars overlapping the model and 7 don't.  That is almost exactly what we should expect for 1-sigma error bars as described above.

Now if we look in the interval from 122 GeV to 130 GeV, there are 4 data points and none of them overlap with the model - which we should emphasize was computed assuming that there is no Higgs and only background events.  These data points could be a chance fluctuation, but the probability of that is small.  Based on these data, ATLAS (together with CMS) announced the discovery of the Higgs boson with a significance of 5.0σ or a chance probability of 6×10-7.  This is equivalent to combining the four data points into one and finding that it lies 5 times its error bar away from the background model prediction.  Quoting a number of sigma is equivalent to quoting the probability that the result is due to random fluctuations or can be thought of as combining your data into one data point and saying how far that point is from the model predicted by the null hypothesis.  The table below gives conversions for various values of sigma.  You can calculate them yourself using, e.g.  1-stats.chi2.cdf(5.0**2, 1).
Probability/confidence level (p)
Chance probability (1-p)

0.999937 6.3×10-5
0.99999940 6.0×10-7

Errors on Fit Parameters

Beyond finding the model parameters that provide the best fit to a set of data, it is also often useful to know the accuracy to which the data specify those parameters.  The accuracy of the parameters depends on the accuracy of the measurements.  Assuming that the errors on the individual measurements are uncorrelated, then we can relate σb  which is the uncertainty or error on the parameter b to the errors on the data points as

σb=(σibyi)2σ_b = \sqrt{∑ \left( σ_i \frac{∂b}{∂y_i}\right)^2 }
This is an application of the propagation of errors which tells us how to estimate the error on a quantity that we calculate in terms of other quantities using the errors on those quantities.  The partial derivatives describe how sensitive b is to changes in the values of the measurements yi.  We multiply each partial by the error on the corresponding measurement, σi.  If there were only one measurement, then we'd be done.  However, there are usually lots of measurements.  To combine them, we square the contribution of each measurement to the error on b, add the squares together, and then take the square root.  This is sometimes called "Root Sum Square" or "RSS", particularly by engineers, and applies for situations in which the individual errors are uncorrelated.  Of course, a similar equation applies for the parameter a.

We can then take the equations that you figured out for a and b and apply the error propagation formula above.  If you didn't figure out equations for a and b, they are

a=1Δ[(xi2σi2)(yiσi2)-(xiσi2)(xiyiσi2)]a = \frac{1}{Δ} \left[ \left( ∑\frac{x_i^2}{σ_i^2} \right) \left( ∑\frac{y_i}{σ_i^2} \right) - \left( ∑\frac{x_i}{σ_i^2} \right) \left( ∑\frac{x_i y_i}{σ_i^2} \right) \right]
b=1Δ[(1σi2)(xiyiσi2)-(xiσi2)(yiσi2)]b = \frac{1}{Δ} \left[ \left( ∑\frac{1}{σ_i^2} \right) \left( ∑\frac{x_i y_i}{σ_i^2} \right) - \left( ∑\frac{x_i}{σ_i^2} \right) \left( ∑\frac{y_i}{σ_i^2} \right) \right]
where Δ=(1σi2)(xi2σi2)-(xiσi2)2Δ = \left( ∑\frac{1}{σ_i^2} \right) \left( ∑\frac{x_i^2}{σ_i^2} \right) - \left( ∑\frac{x_i}{σ_i^2} \right)^2
Inserting these into the error propagation formula and noting that the derivatives are functions only of the variances and the independent variables, we find

σa2=1Δxi2σi2σ_a^2 = \frac{1}{Δ} \, ∑\frac{x_i^2}{σ_i^2}
σb2=1Δ1σi2σ_b^2 = \frac{1}{Δ} \, ∑ \frac{1}{σ_i^2
You can now use these equations to add error estimated on your fitted parameters to your linear fitting routines.

Homework #12

Write code and hand it in electronically that:
  1. Defines a function  linear_fit(x, y, yerr) that  performs a linear fit and returns a tuple consisting of an array with the best fit parameters, an array with the errors on those parameters, the chi-squared of the fit, and the number of degrees of freedom.
  2. Defines a function that takes x, y, yerr as input and 1) plots the data with error bars; 2) does a linear fit and prints out the best fit parameter including their errors, the chi-squared, the DoF, and probability of the chi-squared given the DoF; and 3) plots the residuals.
  3. Has a code block that uses your functions to fit and plot the TEC data.  Add customized statements to print the results in physically meaningful terms.
  4. Has a code block that uses your functions to fit and plot the radioactive decay data.  Add customized statements to print the results in physically meaningful terms.

This assignment is worth 40 points.