Scientific Computing Using Python - PHYS:4905
Python Homework #3
Due 9/5/2019

This assignment must be handed in electronically.  You will need to upload one file for each problem containing your Python code as a text file.  Please have the file name start with your last name, e.g.  You can make the name longer if you like, e.g. for the first problem and for the second.  I will grade the assignment by downloading your code and running it, so you should be sure that it is complete and runs correctly under Spyder.

1. (10) Write a Python program to play the simplified version of Craps discussed in class.  The program should keep rolling the dice until you win or lose.  The program should print out the values of the two die for all the rolls.  You will be graded on the quality of your comments as well as that of your code.  This will be true for all future programming assignments in this homework and all future assignments.

2. (10) Write a Python script to ask the user for an integer, determine if it is a prime, and then inform the user.