Scientific Computing Using Python - PHYS:4905
Homework #11
Due 10/17/2019
The homework must be turned in electronically. You will need
to upload one file for each problem containing your Python code as a
text file. Please have the file name start with your last
name, e.g.
(10) Hand in your modified version of from
lecture #12 that scales the data by adjusting the lower and upper
bound on the scale so that some percentage of the pixel values lie
below the lower bound and some percentage lie below the upper
bound. You code must have two parameters, vmin_frac
and vmax_frac, that are adjustable. Hand in the code
with your favorite choice for those two variables.
(30) Using the functions bisection_method and false_position_method
that you wrote in class, write a function, find_roots,
that takes a function, an interval [a, b], and an array of values of
xtol as input. find_roots should make two
plots similar to those that you made in class. One plot is the
the number of iterations versus the values of xtol, the
results for both methods must go on one plot. For the false_position_method
set ytol equal to the value of xtol that you use for
the bisection_method. The second plot is the
absolute value of the difference between the your best guess of the
root and the estimates of the root for the two methods for the
different values of xtol = ytol. Note that this means
you will need to use the same best guess as the reference for both
methods. Again, the results for both methods must go on one
plot. Also, you should think about whether you want linear or
log scales on each axis.
Add code blocks, as defined in Spyder (#%%), to run find_roots
with values for xtol of 10n where n
= -2, -3, ..., -10 and the function g as defined in class
for each of the intervals [-2,2], [2, 6], [6,10]. The point of
the this is that I want to be able to load your code into Spyder and
then run different code blocks that make the three plots for
different intervals without having to do any typing myself.