General Astronomy - Spring 2011
Homework #1 - due January 24

Name ___________________________

1. (4 pt) [Review] What is your name?

2. (4 pt) [Review] If you throw a ball straight up from the Earth at 20,000 m/s, how high will it go? (Neglect air resistance.)

3. (4 pt)  If one made a scale model of the solar system in which the Earth was 2 meters away from the Sun, what would be the diameter of the Sun?  Of the Earth?

4. (4 pt)  The European Hipparcos satellite made the best stellar parallax measurements to date and could reach an accuracy of about 1 milliarcsecond.  How distant is the farthest star for which Hipparcos could measure a distance?

5. (4 pt)  Measure and record the distance from your eye to your thumb with your arm extended and the width of your thumb.  Calculate the angular size of your thumb as seen from your eye with your arm extended.