High Energy Astrophysics - Fall 2006
Homework #4 - due October 12

1. Derive the equation for the evolution of the Roche lobe given in the lecture on 9/21.

2. Using ADS, find the energy of the cyclotron line from Cen X-3.  Using the line energy, calculate the magnetic field of the neutron star.  Be sure to include literature references.

3. If the spin period of SAX J1808.4-3658 is at the limit at which accretion can occur through the magnetosphere, then what must be the magnetic field of the neutron star?  Use ADS to find the spin period and typical luminosity of SAX J1808.4-3658.  Be sure to include literature references.

4. Write a one page proposal for your intended data analysis project.  Include scientific motivation, description of the Chandra observation(s) you will analyze, what analysis you plan to do.