Dusty Plasmas in the
Laboratory, Industry and Space - Physics Today July 2004 -
Charging of dust in a negative ion plasma
Phys. Plasmas 13, 052118 (2006)
Production of a negative ion plasma using
Rapid Communication in PRE
Langmuir Probe I-V Characteristics - create your own
probe characteristic! Am.
Journal Physics Article
New measurements of
the dust acoustic wave dispersion relation at high frequencies - interference
of dust acoustic waves Thomas et. al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 123701 (2007)
A MAPLE program to compute the
charge on a dust particle in a plasma
Ionization Gauge Sensitivity for C7F14 (J. Vac. Sci.
Tech. A 26(5), 1355,2008)
Diffraction of dust acoustic waves by a
circular cylinder (Physics of Plasmas 15, 090701, 2008).
Instability of higher harmonic EIC waves in
a negative ion plasma (Rosenberg & Merlino) Journal of Plasma Physics
(75, 495, 2009).
Laboratory observations of self-excited
dust acoustic shocks
Faster-than-Bohm cross-B electron transport in strongly pulsed plasmas|
Effect of
a floating circular aperture on a dc glow discharge dusty plasma, dust jets
(APS DPP 2009 Poster), Paper in Phys.
Measurements of the power spectrum and dispersion relation for self-excited dust acoustic waves