Characteristics and Origins of the Solar System

Second Hour Examination

April 21,  2004

Note that not all questions have the same value.  For the 3 and 5 point questions, write in complete sentences.  The answers to the 5 point questions should at most be half a page or so in length.  I don’t want to read a thesis. Write legibly, preferably in pen.  Space out your responses so I have some room for comments.  Start the 3 and 5 point questions on a fresh page. 


Walk with Ursus!


  1. How long ago did multicellular animals, big enough to see without a microscope, appear on Earth? (1pt)
  2. What is the dominant element in the planets Jupiter and Saturn?  (1pt)
  3. Where are Uranus and Neptune located in the solar system? (1pt)
  4. What would you expect to be the approximate density of a cometary nucleus? (1pt)
  5. In the discussion of the past history of Mars,  there are two radically different,  hypothetical descriptions of past climatic conditions, called “scenarios”.  What are the names of these two scenarios?  (1pt)
  6. Have experiments ever been made to directly detect the presence of life on Mars?  Give brief details.  (2pts)
  7. Draw a half-decent diagram of the outer solar system,  showing the Jovian planets and their approximate relation to the Sun. (2pts)
  8. Why are the temperatures of objects so low in the outer solar system?  (2pts)
  9. How would you categorize the features Aphrodite and Ishtar on the planet Venus?  I want a brief description of them and a brief description of their possible significance. (3pts)
  10. How do we know that Titan has an atmosphere?  Name two gases that are present in its atmosphere.  (3pts)
  11. In January,  the Huygens spacecraft will parachute to the surface of  Titan.  In terms of weather conditions, what might it find there?  (3pts)
  12. Describe a result from the Mars Exploration Rovers,  Spirit and Opportunity,  which has consequences for our understanding of the geological history of Mars.  Explain the implications of this result for the history of life on Mars. (5pts)
  13. Describe the surface conditions (atmospheric temperature and pressure)  on Venus.  What makes it this way?  (5pts)
  14. Write a brief essay on one of the Galilean satellites.  You should describe its basic properties as observed by a spacecraft,  speculations on subsurface properties,  and what makes this moon of interest. (5pts)
  15. Describe “Cassini’s Division”, and what physically produces it.  (5pts)