Examples Worksheet #1:
Basic Rules, Canonical Example, 4-fold SU(2)--shorthand
Special Note:
Basic Rules
Entering Irreps and Tensor Products:
1. The number of non-zero entries in Tensors must equal the number of entries in Irrep--add zeros as needed.
2. The sum of all enties in Tensors must equal the sum of all entries in Irrep--in SU(N) a constant can be added to all entries of the irrep without changing the irrep.
Entering Casimir Operators--Indice Notation:
An operator Li,j is entered as list, as follows:
L := [i,j]:
In Maple, lists always are surrounded by square brackets, with it's entries seperated by commas.
Products of operators are entered by creating a list of several duple list, as in:
C := [[1,2],[2,1]]:
Likewise, addition of several products is emplied by enclosing products in a list. The previous operator squared is:
C := [[[1,2],[2,1]], [[1,2],[2,1]]]:
A fully specified sum of products of L-operators is then a three-fold list--the innermost lists being the duples of indices, the middle level implying products, and the outermost level implying sums.
Entering Casimir Operators--Coupling notation:
Rather than entering all the indices necessary to specify a Casimir Operator, one can also specify which tensors in the product the Casimir should go over, as well as to what power the operator should be raised. In Maple, a set is defined similarly to a list, but is surrounded by braces { }. For example, a quadratic Casimir over the 1st and 2nd spaces in the Tensor Product would be written as:
C := [{1, 2}, 2]:
Likewise the cubic Casimir over just the 2nd, 4th and 5th spaces in a Tensor product would be written as:
C := [{2, 4, 5}, 3]:
Note that such an operator would be quite complicated to write out in indice notation.
Canonical Example
The Irrep and Tensor Product is entered as follows:
> | Irrep := [3,2,1,0]:
Tensors := [[2,1,0],[2,1,0]]: |
Map the Highest Weight Vector in Verbose Mode:
> | MapHW( Verbose );
Apply the First Casimir Operator
> | Casimir[first]( [[1,2],[2,1]] );
Apply a different Casimir Operator
> | Casimir[first]( [[1,2],[2,2],[2,1]] );
A 4-fold SU(2)
Choose another Irrep and Tensor Product
> | Irrep := [5,3,0,0]:
Tensors := [[2,0],[2,0],[2,0],[2,0]]: |
Map the Hightest Weight Vector in Terse Mode
> | MapHW( Terse );
Apply a quadratic Casimir Operator coupling 1 & 2
> | lambda1, P1, m1 := Casimir[first]( [{1,2}, 2] ):
lambda1; |
Combine with a quadratic Casimir coupling 3 & 4
> | lambda1, P1, m1 := Casimir[additonal]( [{3,4}, 2] ):
lambda1; |
Apply a new scheme, starting with a quadratic Casimir Operator coupling 1 & 3
> | lambda2, P2, m2 := Casimir[first]( [{1,3}, 2] ):
lambda2; |
Combine with a quadratic Casimir coupling 2 & 4
> | lambda2, P2, m2 := Casimir[additonal]( [{2,4}, 2] ):
lambda2; |
Compute the Racah Coefficients betweent the coupling schemes:
> | Racah( P1, P2);