Quantum Mechancis 29:5742

Quantum Mechanics II


Spring 2025

Class Information

Instructor Information

Grading Policy

Possible final grades are A+,A,B,C,D,F. The grade of A+ is for performance that is a full grade above an A. Grades are based on homework scores (15%), two mid term exam scores (25%), and the final exam (35%). Homework assignments, solutions, and lecture notes will be posted on the web version of this syllabus (http://www.physics.uiowa.edu/~wpolyzou/phys5742/). There is a link to this on my faculty page and on the ICON site for this course. I will contact each of you individually by email with exam grades and your final course grades. While attendance is not required, you will be responsible for all of the material covered in the lectures. Except for the link to this syllabus, I will not be using ICON. I will contact each of you individually by email with your exam grades and your final course grades

General Information

Topics to be covered include tensor operators, variational methods, linear potentials and the WKB approximation, time independent perturbation theory, time dependent perturbation theory, scattering theory, Coulomb scattering, identical particles, Poincare symmetry and relativity, Homework will be due on Fridays.

Supplementary Material

Notes on scattering theory (Still in progress)
Proof of Wigner's theorem (Proof follows Quantum Mechanics I, K. Gottfried)
Brenig and Haag (Best paper on scattering theory - original German version in Fortschritte der Physik 7, No, 4/5, 183 (1959); English translation by Lars Luther, Indiana University. Translation appeared in ``Quantum Scattering Theory'', ed. Marc Ross, Indiana University Press. This volume has a number of classic papers on scattering theory.

Homework Assignments and Calendar

College Information:

Academic Honesty and Misconduct All students in CLAS courses are expected to abide by the
  • . Graduate academic misconduct must be reported to the Graduate College. https://clas.uiowa.edu/students/handbook/academic-fraud-honor-code

    Student Complaints:

    Students with a complaint about a grade or a related matter should first discuss the situation with the instructor and/or the course supervisor (if applicable), and finally with the DEO (Chair) of the department, school or program offering the course. Sometimes students will be referred to the department or program's Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) or Director of Graduate Studies (DGS).

    Drop Deadline for this Course:

    You may drop an individual course before the drop deadline; after this deadline you will need collegiate approval. You can look up the drop deadline for this course here. When you drop a course, a W will appear on your transcript. The mark of W is a neutral mark that does not affect your GPA. To discuss how dropping (or staying in) a course might affect your academic goals, please contact your Academic Advisor. Directions for adding or dropping a course and other registration changes can be found on the Registrar's website. Undergraduate students can find policies on dropping CLAS courses here. Graduate students should adhere to the academic deadlines and policies set by the Graduate College.

    Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:

    The University is committed to providing an educational experience that is accessible to all students. If a student has a diagnosed disability or other disabling condition that may impact the student's ability to complete the course requirements as stated in the syllabus, the student may seek accommodations through Student Disability Services (SDS). SDS is responsible for making Letters of Accommodation (LOA) available to the student. The student must provide an LOA to the instructor as early in the semester as possible, but requests not made at least two weeks prior to the scheduled activity for which an accommodation is sought may not be accommodated. The LOA will specify what reasonable course accommodations the student is eligible for and those the instructor should provide.

    Mental Health Resources and Student Support:

    Students are encouraged to be mindful of their mental health and seek help as a preventive measure or if feeling overwhelmed and/or struggling to meet course expectations. Students are encouraged to talk to their instructor for assistance with course-related concerns. For additional mental health support, please see the guidance and resources at UI mental health , including the 24-7 UI Support and Crisis Line.

    Provost's Information:

  • Free Speech and Expression
  • Absences for Religious Holy Days
  • Classroom Expectations
  • Non-discrimination
  • Sexual Harassment/Misconduct and Supportive Measures
  • Sharing of Class Recordings