Lecture Notes for 029:195 Plasma Physics II (2009)
Below are links to the scanned PDF versions of the lecture notes handed out in class:
- Lecture #1: Waves in a Cold, Uniform Magnetized Plasma
- Lecture #2: Parallel Propagating Waves and Ordinary Perpendicular Propagating Waves
- Lecture #3: Perpendicular Waves and Physical Investigation of Wave Properties
- Lecture #4: Student Presentations on Cold Plasma Waves I (no longer available online)
- Lecture #5: Student Presentations on Cold Plasma Waves II (no longer available online)
- Lecture #6: Ray Tracing in Inhomogeneous Plasmas
- Lecture #7: MHD Stability
- Lecture #8: Normal Mode Analysis and the Energy Principle
- Lecture #9: MHD Stability Analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
- Lecture #10: Drift Waves
- Lecture #11: Kinetic Theory for Electrostatic Waves in an Unmagnetized Plasma
- Lecture #12: Landau's Solution of the Initial Value Problem
- Lecture #13: Landau Damping of Electrostatic Waves
- Lecture #14: Maxwellian Distributions and the Plasma Dispersion Function
- Lecture #15: Review of Landau Damping; Cold Beam Instabilities
- Lecture #16: Kinetic Stability of a Plasma
- Lecture #17: MHD Discontinuities and Shocks I (given by Professor Scudder)
- Lecture #18: MHD Discontinuities and Shocks II (given by Professor Scudder)
- Lecture #19: Quasilinear Theory
- Lecture #20: Quasilinear Theory, Part II
- Lecture #21: The Framework of Plasma Physics
- Lecture #22: Numerical Simulation of Plasmas
- Lecture #23: The Magnetorotational Instability
- Lecture #24: Turbulence
- Lecture #25: Weak and Strong MHD Turbulence