PHYS:7729 Plasma Physics II

General Course Information

Professor Gregory Howes
Office 213 Van Allen Hall
Phone (319) 335-1221
E-mail gregory-howes {at} uiowa dot edu
Office Hours Tuesday 1:45-2:45pm
Wednesday 9:45am-11:45am
or by appointment
Catalog Description Continuation of PHYS:4731; cold plasma waves, MHD stability, kinetic theory of plasmas, including Landau damping and velocity space instabilities; nonlinear evolution.
Meeting Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30- 1:45pm, 172 Van Allen Hall
Textbook Required: D. A. Gurnett & A. Bhattacharjee, Introduction to Plasma Physics with Space and Laboratory Applications
Optional: T. J. M. Boyd & J. J. Sanderson, The Physics of Plasmas
Exams Two Midterm Exams: Thursday, Feb 27 and Thursday, Apr 17
Final Exam: TBD
Grading Homework: 20%
Two Midterm Exams: 20% each
Final Exam: 40%