Astronomy Observing: Clear Sky Patrol
Fall 2003
Mars Observing Information
During the last week of August and all throughout September 2003, we have the opportunity to see some of the best views of Mars in many years! This is a rare and special treat for observers. During the upcoming opposition of Mars (27 August, 5:51 am EST), the Earth and Mars will be closer than they have been for nearly 60,000 years (i.e., 34,646,418 miles). By 9 or 10 pm, Mars looms brightly (bright orange object) in the sky to the SE. With resonably-sized telescopes (at least 8" in diamter) , it is possible to resolve surface features (including the polar ice caps) on Mars. During the last week in August and the first week in September, we will be viewing Mars through telescopes on Van Allen Roof between 10 pm and MIDNIGHT.
For more information on how/when to observe Mars, see the articles in Sky & Telescope.
For more local astronomy information, also consult the Cedar Rapids Amateur Astronomers webpage.
Where: Van Allen Hall Roof
Directions: The roof of Van Allen Hall can be reached by a stairway from the
east end of the 7th floor. The roof is kept dark during observing sessions
so be careful upon emerging from the stairwell (your eyes won't be adjusted
to the darkness at first). Be alert for roof obstructions which might cause
you to trip or abruptly impede your forward motion.
When: Clear, Dark Nights during Fall Semester (Monday-Thursdays)
In order to observe astronomical phenomena in the sky, it has to be both dark and clear. Therefore, some nights Clear Sky Patrol will be cancelled. We will cancel Clear Sky Patrol if:
- it is raining or snowing
- if there is considerable cloud cover that you cannot see stars when you look outside your dorm/house in a rather dark area
- if it is below 10 degrees F
There will be a sign put up on the door to the roof if Clear Sky Patrol is cancelled - please try again on a clear night!
Otherwise, we will operate MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY NIGHTS at the following times:
Dates |
Time |
25 August - 4 September |
10:00 pm - midnight |
8 September - 25 September
| 9:00 - 11:00 pm |
29 September - 23 October |
8:00 - 10:00 pm |
27 October - 11 December |
7:00 - 9:00pm |
Clear Sky Patrollers:
Monday: Juan Diaz-Toledo and Carrie McGivern
Tuesday: Ted Jaeger and Joe Rizio
Wednesday: Ted Jaeger and Carrie McGivern
Thursday: Paul Good and Carrie McGivern