Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
Lecture Notes
Fall 2007
#1: 27 August: Initial Pleasantries; The Sky Tonight
#2: 29 August: Getting Oriented, Astronomical Coordinate Systems
#3: 31 August: Astronomical Coordinate Systems (cont)
#4: 05 September: The Solar System in a Stellar Context
#5: 07 September: The Solar System in a Stellar Context (cont)
#6: 10 September: Distances to Stars, Light Years and Parsecs
#7: 12 September: Faint Stars and Bright Stars: the magnitude system
#8: 17 September: Telescopes
#9: 19 September: Starlight
#10: 26 September: Starlight (cont)
#11: 28 September: The Sun, the closest star
#12: 01 October: The Sun, closeup of a G main sequence star
#13: 03 October: Inside the Sun
#14: 05 October: The Powerhouse deep in the Sun
#15: 08 October: The fuel cycle of the Sun
#16: 10 October: Double Stars
#17: 22 October: The Formation of Stars
#18: 24 October: Dead Stars
#19: 26 October: Dead Stars 2
#20: 29 October: Dead Stars 3
#21: 31 October: Supernovae and Neutron Stars
#22: 02 November: Neutron Stars and Beyond
#23: 05 November: Black Holes
#24: 07 November: What is the Milky Way?
#25: 09 November: The Structure and Content of the Milky Way
#26: 16 November: Distances to Galaxies
#27: 26 November: Extragalactic Space and the Objects in it
#28: 28 November: Radio Galaxies and Quasars
#29: 30 November: Mapping the Universe with Quasars
#30: 03 December: Dark Matter and the Universe
#31: 05 December: Cosmology I
#32: 07 December: Cosmology II
#33: 10 December: Faded Brilliance: The Big Bang
#34: 12 December: Dark Energy
#35: 14 December: Omnis in Exitu Eius Pulchrima