29:52 Characteristics and Origins of the Solar System
January 23, 2004
The Solar System in the Night
The purpose of the
next few lectures will be to make the link between the structure of the solar
system, and what we see in the sky. I will not give a formal development of the
history of astronomy.
Most of the material
is taken from Chapters 1 and 2 of the textbook, and I will refer to figures
(1) "Horizon" Coordinate system and
the "Celestial Sphere"
We have to have some
frame of reference in which to describe celestial events. "Horizon
is the most basic,
and is what we see. Look at Figure 1.14 for definition.
>Diagram drawn on
When we look up at
the sky, it looks like a big bowl over our heads. We refer to this bowl as the Celestial Sphere.
The basic definitions
to note are:
azimuth angle
altitude angle
In this system we see the following
things happen.
The Sun rises in the
east, reaches a highest elevation angle due south, and sets in the west.
Ditto with the stars
Some stars (the
circumpolar stars) move in big circles around the pole star and never set.
(More subtle) As you go
further south, the pole stars slumps toward the northern horizon, stars (and
the Sun) transit at a higher elevation angle, and you see "new" stars
peeking above the southern horizon.
What is happening here?
The Answer is that this is all a consequence of the rotation of
the Earth. It looks as if the celestial
sphere is rotating with respect to us, on an axis pointing toward the north
>See diagram 1.19, also globe.
(2) Seasonal Variations
There are important astronomical seasonal variations (in addition to
temperature changes)
which you might not
have noticed previously. You will notice them in the course of this
semester. It might also interest you to know that these were very well known to
people before the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and before the Pre-Classical period of
the Maya Indians.
Different constellations
are visible at different times of year.
As we go into winter,
the Sun rises further to the south, and is lower at its maximum altitude angle
or elevation angle.
It gets colder.
What is happening here?
The Explanation, is that the Earth is orbiting the Sun, and that its
axis is tilted 23.5 degrees with respect to the plane of its orbit. The
fancy term for this angle is the obliquity of the ecliptic and it has a
value of 23 degrees 27 arcminutes (23.45 degrees).
>diagram on blackboard showing
show obliquity of Earth's axis can affect sky positions of Sun.
The varying angle
between Sun-Observer at Noon-Pole Star is also responsible for temperature
changes associated with seasons, as well as fact that northern hemisphere and
southern hemisphere winter and summer are interchanged.
Seasonal changes in
constellations are due to orbital motion of Earth around Sun. We see the Sun
"projected against" different stars at different times of year. Look at Figure 2.10 of the book.
>Look at SC1 constellation chart
showing dates of Sun's position.
>Look at SOHO web page showing
Sun moving against background stars.
(3) How Long is
the Day?
Would seem to be a stupid question.
24 hours=86400 seconds. But what do we mean by a day?
What is 24 hours is
actually more precisely known as the mean solar day. It is the average
time during the year between
successive transits of the Sun.
We could also define the day by the
time between successive transits of a star, say Sirius, which transits around 11 PM these evenings. This is called the sidereal
day. Strangely enough, it is almost the same as the mean solar day,
but not quite. (Nota Bene: this material is discussed on p 26ff of your book).
The sidereal day is
23hours, 56minutes, 4seconds long.
>Question for the august
assembly: Why are the two days different?
(4) The Year
The year is the length of time it
takes the Earth to complete its orbit around the Sun. The official term for
this is the sidereal year, and could be measured by the time it took for
the Sun to start out at
one place in the sky
(defined relative to the background stars), move completely around the sky, and
return to the same place. The value of the sidereal year is 3.1558 X 10**7
(5) The Year and
the Day are not commensurate numbers.
Two entirely different physical
periods lie behind the astronomical definitions of the day and the year. The
day (precisely the sidereal day) is the time it takes the planet Earth to turn
on its axis like a spinning top. The year is the time it takes to complete its
circuit around the Sun, like a racecar running around a track.
There is no physical reason for the
year to be an integral number of days, and it isn't. In fact, one year =
365.2564 solar days. The little extra 0.2564 days is responsible for annoyances
such as leap years, intercalcary days, the discrepancy between the Julian and
Gregorian calendars, etc. Read p28 of
your textbook.
Every high civilization, from Old
Kingdom Egypt to Classical Mayan, was aware of this discrepancy, although they
naturally did not have the correct physical explanation for it.