29:52 Homework Set #1
Assigned: September 4, 2004
Due: September 13, 2004
Confused? Don’t go around miserable and despondent! . Contact us for help via the email facility in WebCT, or phone. Use the bulletin board to communicate with each others and bat ideas around. On the problems, always give your reasoning, not just a number. Note: for several of the problems below, you need to use your SC1 chart.
1.On January 30, 2001, the celestial coordinates of Saturn were RA=3h29m, DEC=+16d47m. Describe where it is was in the sky. That means, find out what constellation it was in, how close it was to any prominent stars, and where it was relative to the ecliptic and the celestial equator.
2.Compare the position of Saturn at that time with its current position (RA=7h47m, DEC=+21d). Is it the same or different. If different, why is it different?
3.You see a flying saucer in the sky! Not wishing to be dismissed as a total lunatic by the authorities, you carefully estimate its coordinates in the horizon system as azimuth=50 degrees, altitude angle = 80 degrees. In what part of the sky did you see it, i.e. what direction and how high up?
4.The island of Kauai (in the Hawaiian chain) is at a latitude of 22°. How high above the northern horizon is the pole star Polaris? The material in Section 2.1, p18 of your textbook, will be very helpful.
5.Directly south of Iowa City is Natchez, Missippi. It has (nearly) the same longitude as Iowa City, but is 10 degrees of latitude further south. You observe that the Sun is transiting here in Iowa City (local noon). What will an observer in Natchez see, i.e. is the Sun before transit, after transit, higher in the sky than here in Iowa City, lower,…etc. Give brief reasons for your answer.
6.You go outside at 8PM on February 20. What bright star is on the meridian?
7.On October 30 of this year, the coordinates of Mars will be RA=13h25m, DEC=-8d. Where will it be in the sky relative to the Sun? Where in the sky would you look to find it, and at what time of day?
8.Would you expect the Sun to rise earlier on March 1, or November 10? On which day would it set the earliest? Briefly explain your reasoning.