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An example of distance modulus - distance relation

Let's work out another example. There is a star called 70 Herculis, which really is a near-clone of the Sun. It has an apparent magnitude of 6.39.
Question: Is it closer than 10 parsecs or more distant?
Let's work out the numbers. The absolute magnitude of the Sun = +4.85. Therefore the Distance Modulus m - M = 6.39 - 4.85 = 1.54 magnitudes.
tex2html_wrap_inline38 For logarithmphobes: Let's look up the Table from the last lecture. From this we see that a distance modulus of 1.54 means the star is between 15 and 25 parsecs away.
tex2html_wrap_inline38 With the handy-dandy equation
so tex2html_wrap_inline44 , so tex2html_wrap_inline46 . Thus tex2html_wrap_inline48 so d = 20.3 parsecs.
This distance = 66.2 light years. (1 parsec = 3.26 light years).

Steve Spangler
Fri Sep 17 08:10:32 CDT 1999