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The Solar Corona

The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere, visible during total solar eclipses.
tex2html_wrap_inline25 SOHO coronagraph observations. tex2html_wrap_inline23 For many years it was known that the light from the corona showed bright emission lines in the green and red, but no one could identify the wavelengths with any known elements. There were suggestions that it might be ``coronium'', an element that existed only in the corona of the Sun. In 1939 they were identified with iron atoms which had been ionized between 9 and 14 times. To do this requires temperatures in the range 1 - 2 million degrees Kelvin. This is the temperature of the solar corona. How it becomes so hot remains an open question in astrophysics.

Steve Spangler
Mon Aug 30 10:36:09 CDT 1999