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The powerplant Sun

``All life on Earth obtains its energy from the Sun''.
Let's get quantitative. What is the physical unit of power? Ans: the Watt. Power tex2html_wrap_inline63 energy/time. In the metric system of units, the unit of energy is the Joule. 1 Watt = 1 Joule/sec. Watts are familiar to us from powers of light bulbs.

What is the Watt rating of the Sun (mysterious scientific fact: it is stamped in black numbers on the north pole of the Sun that no one has ever seen)?

Look up the number in the Appendix of your textbook: the power output of the Sun is tex2html_wrap_inline65 Watts. This is an unfathomably large number. What makes it particularly incredible is that it has been keeping up this luminosity over geological timescales, i.e. several billion years. That means the Sun has a huge energy source. What is it?

Steve Spangler
Tue Aug 31 16:29:42 CDT 1999