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Nuclear Reactions in the Center of the Sun

We need to find another, vastly more effective mechanism for energy generation. Let's look at the structure of the Sun.
tex2html_wrap_inline61 Transparency with structure of the Sun.
As we go deeper in the Sun, the density of the Sun goes up, and the temperature goes up. Mathematical models of the Sun's interior indicate that in the innermost core, densities reach nearly 200 grams/cm tex2html_wrap_inline89 , and the temperature is about 15 million Kelvin.

At these temperatures, nuclear fusion reactions can occur, and at these densities they occur a lot. A good example of a nuclear fusion reaction (a change in atomic nuclei) is


We can write this in shorthand as tex2html_wrap_inline91 , it is called the proton-proton cycle. It is a nuclear fusion reaction because the nuclei of the atoms are involved.

Steve Spangler
Tue Aug 31 16:29:42 CDT 1999