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Stellar Distances

The most fundamental technique for measuring stellar distances is via the method of parallax. This technique defines the fundamental unit of distance in stellar astronomy, the parallax-second or parsecgif. 1 parsec = 206265 astronomical units, or tex2html_wrap_inline42 meters.

Prior to the launch of the spacecraft Hipparchos in 1990, parallax measurements were made from ground based telescopes. They were tough measurements, and only existed for a few hundred stars.

Hipparchos extended accurate parallax measurements to 118,000 stars, and has revolutionized astronomy. Students should look at the Hipparchos web page at Hipparchos Home Page.

tex2html_wrap_inline44 Look at Appendix 10 of your textbook, which lists the stars nearer than 4 parsecs.

Steve Spangler
Tue Sep 14 10:25:59 CDT 1999