Research Project

The goal of research project is to understand how observations of X-ray diffuse emission can be used to measure oxygen line emission and constrain models of the hot halo of the Milky Way galaxy. We will do this by replicating the work done for several papers in the scientific literature. It will be necessary to read those papers (and perhaps others), learn to work with X-ray data analysis software, understand how to predict the oxygen line emission for a selected field given a particular model of the halo, write software to implement such predictions and tune the model parameters to match a given set of oxygen line emission measurements, and understand how this work fits into the current searches for missing baryons.

The papers of interest are:

Steps in the project:
  1. Learn to use the X-ray spectral fitting package xspec and apply it in the analysis of a spectrum of diffuse X-ray emission obtained with Suzaku to measure the strength of the oxygen O VII and O VIII lines. This is the topic of the data analysis session. This should be done individually and handed in individually. (20 points)
  2. Learn to generate fake spectra in xspec. Using the apec model, generate spectra for various temperatures in the range from 105 K to 107 K. Fit each spectrum to measure the strength of the oxygen O VII and O VIII lines, then plot the strength of those lines and their ratio as a function of temperature. This is the topic of the assignment generating fake data in xspec. This should be done individually and handed in individually. (20 points)
  3. Learn to reduce data from the Suzaku satellite and perform analysis of one observation from Yoshino et al. (2009). Fit your resulting spectrum to measure the strength of the oxygen O VII and O VIII lines. This is the topic of the data reduction session. This should be done individually and handed in individually. (20 points)
  4. Write a python program to read in the table of oxygen emission lines strengths from Henley and Shelton (2012). Plot the line intensities and their ratio versus Galactic latitude and longitude. Discuss the implications of your results for the geometry of the halo emission. You may wish to address what can be learned from repeated observations of the same field.  This is the topic of the assignment Using Python to Read and Plot DataThis should be done individually and handed in individually. (20 points)
  5. Using the AtomDB website , find the emissivity for O VII and O VIII as a function of temperature and download the data to your computer. Write a Python program to read in the emissivities and plot them and their ratio versus temperature.  Follow the instructions in the emissivity assignmentThis should be done individually and handed in individually. (20 points)
  6. Following Miller and Bregman (2015), write Python code to calculate the oxygen emission line intensities for any given line of sight using a spherical β-model to represent the Milky Way’s hot gas halo density profile. Consider only the optically thin case. Plot the line intensities versus Galactic latitude and longitude for a specific choices of  β-model parameters following the instructions in the Models of Halo Emission assignment. This should be done as a group. (60 points).
  7. Write python code to fit the spherical β-model to a list of line intensities.  To practice, we will  generate a fake set of data using your spherical β-model and fit those fake data following the instructions in the fitting halo models assignment. This should be done as a group. (100 points).
  8. We will now fit halo models to the data from Henley and Shelton. This is described in the fitting halo models with real data assignment. In the real universe, there is emission from the local bubble, so we will need to add this to our model of the total emission. You will write python code to fit the spherical β-halo plus local bubble model to the list of line intensities from Henley and Shelton (2012). You will then fit the Henley and Shelton data to your model of halo plus local bubble emission and find the best fit parameters and estimates on their errors. Fit the data for O VII and O VIII separately.  The write up for this project should include all of the group projects. Re-use your text from the previous projects and add an introduction that covers all parts of the projects, a detailed write up of fitting model to the real data, and a conclusion section that covers all parts of the project.  There will be no separate written assignment for this part of the project.  Also, you should prepare a presentation on the whole project.  The presentations will be made on the last day of class.  If desired, we can schedule a day to practice the presentations in advance of the final presentation.  All group members must contribute to the final project write up and the project presentation. This should be done as a group. (200 points).
Optional - use the HaloSat response Python code to generate response matrices for various energy resolutions and determine the effect that the energy resolution has on the accuracy of measurements of the strength of the oxygen O VII and O VIII lines.