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29:50 Modern Astronomy
Fall 1999
Lecture 14 ...September 24, 1999
The Formation of Stars

tex2html_wrap_inline28 Penitentiam Agite, Appropinquat Dies Iudicii. First exam Wednesday, September 29. In the skies this week:
(1) On September 29 (the night of the exam), the bright star Aldebaran will nearly by occulted by the Moon. Look around the time of moonrise.

Star Formation (Finale)
Last time I described Giant Molecular Clouds, which appear to the eye as Dark Clouds, as incubators of stars.
tex2html_wrap_inline30 My picture of a GMC.
tex2html_wrap_inline121 Wide View of M8
Detail View of M8

I should have discussed two physical processes which are important for understanding star formation regions, photodissociation and photoionization.

Light carries energy. The small packets of electromagnetic waves that are emitted and absorbed by atoms and molecules act in many ways like small particles. We use the term photons to describe these BB-like wave packets. The shorter the wavelength of the photon (the higher the frequency) the more energy it carries. It is for this reason that good ole yellow sunlight is good for you, while ultraviolet light wrecks your skin.

Molecules are held together by an attractive force between the atoms. However, if you pump enough energy into a molecule, it breaks apart or disassociates. When this dissociation energy is provided by the absorption of light, we speak of photodissociation. Most molecules would be photodissociated by the ultraviolet radiation that permeates space. The molecules can survive and thrive in the interiors of dark clouds because the clouds are opaque and absorb UV light at the periphery.

After photodissociation, the molecule has been converted to free-floating, electrically neutral atoms. Atoms are held together by the attractive electrical force between the positively charged atomic nucleus and the negatively charged electrons. Usually it takes more energy to break apart an atom into negatively charged electron and a positively charged ion than it does to dissociate a molecule. Breaking up an atom is called ionization.

If photons carry enough energy (the light is ultraviolet enough), it is possible to photoionize the atoms. For hydrogen (a rough-tough atom) the light must have a wavelength of 91 nanometers. By comparison, visible light is between 400 and 700 nanometers, and UVB radiation, which will make a mess of your complexion, has wavelengths between 290 and 330 nanometers.

In giant molecular clouds, the opacity of the interstellar dust blocks the UV light from the interior, so molecules can form. These molecules aid in the formation of stars. However the formation of stars are the undoing of the molecular clouds. In the refrigerators of the molecular clouds, clumps form, contract under their own gravity, and form stars. We can see this in the process of formation. When the protostars are sufficiently compact and hot to ``turn on'', they begin radiating ultraviolet light. This light photodissociates the molecules and photoionizes the dissociated atoms. This causes the gas to glow and make pretty nebulae. This absorbed ultraviolet light also heats up the previously cold gas, causing it to expand and ``blowout'' part of the molecular cloud.

It is at this point that we see the star as a member of a very young star cluster. It is for this reason that we still see a few wisps around the Pleiades; this is part of the cloud from which the Pleiades formed.
tex2html_wrap_inline121 Picture of Pleiades

tex2html_wrap_inline30 Diagram of sequential star formation.

According to our current understanding, this is the sequence of events in which stars form.

  1. Something compresses the very dilute gas in the interstellar medium into bigger blobs or concentrations.
  2. These concentrations begin contracting under their own gravity, forming clouds with about 100,000 solar masses of material.
  3. As the clouds contract, they drag interstellar dust with them that blocks starlight from entering. The gas also changes from atomic to molecular.
  4. In the densest, coldest parts of the cloud, clumps and condensation with masses from less than the mass of the Sun to 50 or 100 times the mass of the Sun begin contracting under the influence of their own gravity.
  5. These clumps contract to the size of the solar system, and form protostars. At about the time, it is almost certain that planetary systems form around most stars. Icky chemicals from the molecular clouds rain down on the planets and generate grotesque life forms.
  6. The protostars ``turn on'' as Main Sequence stars, and blast away the cloud they formed from. Molecular clouds last about 30 million years before they are disrupted by the stars they produce.
  7. The star clusters hand together for 100 million to a few hundred million years until they drift apart, and the stars continue their existence as single stellar systems.

The Sun must have formed in a molecular cloud, and been part of a open star cluster. However, this was 4.5 billion years ago, and we have no idea which stars were the Sun's early playmates.

As we look out in the galaxy, we see that star formation is an active, ongoing process.
tex2html_wrap_inline137 Figure of CO map of the galaxy.
tex2html_wrap_inline121 The Galaxy in Molecular Clouds
This image shows mostly the High Mass Star Formation Regions like the Orion Nebula. There are estimated to be tex2html_wrap_inline42 such regions in the Milky Way galaxy, along with many more smaller regions like the Taurus-Auriga association.

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Steve Spangler
Wed Sep 22 17:09:49 CDT 1999