Details of arguments passed to and values returned from each procedure.
Few definitions
- You will be utilizing this program through several seperate individual parts, called procedures. You will give each procedure some information (arguments) and it will display some feedback and return some values. These returned values can then be assigned to variables in Maple and used as input for other procedures. In this program, however, much of the information from earlier steps is retained internal to the program. Some procedures are grouped into modules, and the modules and remaining proceedures are grouped into the TabProcs package.
The Parts of the Package
- This procedure creates the Gelfand-Zetlin Tableau, applies the operaters from the tableau, and applies the Borel condition.
- This module is used for applying commuting sets of Generalized Casimir Opperators.
- This procedure computes the generalized Racah or overlap coefficients between two different labeling schemes.
- This module computes Clebsch-Gordan coefficents for a given coupling scheme.