Charles Newsom Travels

One of the wonderful benefits of being in High Energy Physics (HEP) and physics in general is the opportunity that one has to travel the world. This is because the large national and international HEP laboratories are located in places such as California, Illinois, New York, Switzerland, France, Japan, Russia and Germany. As a result conferences are held around the world providing many great travel opportunites.

My first real job after graduation was as a post-doc and required me to live for 3 years in Paris, France. Since then I have lived in Geneva, Switzerland for periods of approximately 1 year on two occasions as part of my sabbatical leaves from the University. In one recent period I had a choice of travelling to a conference in either Spain or Hawaii to present an invited paper. I chose the conference in Spain and had a wonderful vacation following the conference. I travelled from the conference in beautiful northwest Spain to Barcelona before returning to Iowa. I include here some photos of a few of the great sights that I saw on that trip.

Roman Aquaduct
Roman aquaduct in Segovia
Segovia Castle
Castle near Segovia
Beach in NW Spain
Beach on the NW coast of Spain

I list here some of the more interesting places that I have visited over the years... (yes there are many more)

(I will add more photos of individual locations as time permits.)

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By C. Newsom