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29:62 General Astronomy
Second Hour Exam
March 12, 1997

All problems are worth 10 points. Write legibly, preferably in pen. Good luck and no whining.

(1) Calculate the density of a neutron gas at which the Fermi energy equals the rest mass energy of a neutron. The rest mass energy is defined as the amount of energy which would be released if an object were entirely converted to energy. What would be the radius of an object which had this density, and the mass of the Sun? Compare this object to relevant objects discussed in class.

Answer: Use expression for which the Fermi energy = rest mass energy.




Assume the mass of a neutron is the same as that of a proton (it is actually slightly larger), which in turn is equal to that of a hydrogen atom tex2html_wrap_inline91 kg. We then have a density of tex2html_wrap_inline93 neutrons/m tex2html_wrap_inline95 .
Second part of problem: What is the size of a sphere with this density and the mass of the Sun? The mass of a sphere is:


where tex2html_wrap_inline97 is the mass density. tex2html_wrap_inline99 in the previously defined units. We then have for the radius of such an object,


where M is the mass of the Sun, which is equal to tex2html_wrap_inline103 kg. Plugging in these numbers, we get tex2html_wrap_inline105 meters, which is 3 kilometers. This is not much different than the radius of a neutron star which we talked about in class. Thus the material in a neutron star is not much different from being relativistic.

(2) Attached is a diagram representing an image (picture) of the radio source 3C166. Higher contours correspond to brighter parts of the source. The observations were made by a radio telescope at a frequency of 4885 Megahertz. What was the size of the radio telescope which made these observations? Given this estimate of the size of the telescope, do you have guess as to what kind of radio telescope it was? Hint The angular scale on the y axis of the plot is in arcseconds. Sixty arcseconds equal one arcminute, and 60 arcminutes equals 1 degree.

Answer: One can see that the bright source near the center of the picture has an angular size of tex2html_wrap_inline107 arcseconds. One can reasonably assume that this is a point source, and for the purposes of this problem assume that 4.4 arcseconds is the beamwidth of the radiotelescope, tex2html_wrap_inline109 . 4.4 arcseconds = tex2html_wrap_inline111 degrees = tex2html_wrap_inline113 radians. We then use the formula from the formula sheet,


in radians. The wavelength of observation corresponding to a frequency of 4885 MHz is 6 centimeters = 0.06 meters, so tex2html_wrap_inline115 / Rearranging to find D, we have tex2html_wrap_inline119 meters = 3.4 kilometers for the effective diameter of the radio telescope. This is larger than any solid single dish, and so the telescope must be an interferometer of connected radiotelescopes. In fact, the image was made with the Very Large Array radiotelescope.

(3) Below is question from my Modern Astronomy class from last semester. Choose the correct answer and describe why it is the correct answer.
``When coming out into the Hillcrest dining room tonight for supper, you notice a space alien eating by himself/herself/itself (assume for the sake of the problem that you can distinguish between a space alien and the other residents). He/she/it tells you that one of the following famous stars is going to become a supernova within the next year. Which is it most likely to be?''
The choices are: (a) Antares (a red supergiant), (b) Vega (a main sequence A star), (c) T Tauri (a star in the process of formation, approaching the Main Sequence), (d) Sirius B (white dwarf), (e) Gliese 229A (a red dwarf).

Answer: Antares is the only possible choice. Supernovae occur in massive, post-Main Sequence stars. Antares is a supergiant, and thus a fairly late post-Main sequence star, and thus a good candidate. Vega is a Main Sequence star, as is Gliese 229A. Sirius B has gone through its Main Sequence evolution and became a white dwarf instead of a supernova, and T Tauri hasn't even gotten to the Main Sequence yet.

(4) Consider a red dwarf star with half the mass of the Sun. Assume that 25 % of its mass is in the form of Helium (an accurate number). Now assume somehow that it is able to undergo the triple tex2html_wrap_inline121 process rather than the proton-proton cycle (this is a suspension of the laws of physics). How long would the star maintain its luminosity requirements via this process? Show your work and clearly indicate all assumptions.

Answer: This is another two step problem. First, calculate the total amount of energy available for this process to go. The mass in Helium is tex2html_wrap_inline123 kg. Not all of this is converted to energy. One must multiply by the efficiency of the triple tex2html_wrap_inline121 process, i.e. what fraction of the mass is converted to energy. The triple tex2html_wrap_inline121 process, for the purposes of this problem, is tex2html_wrap_inline129 . From the attached table of nucleides, the mass of He tex2html_wrap_inline131 = 4.002603, so three of them will have a mass of 12.00781 atomic mass units. One Carbon 12 nucleus has a mass of 12.00000 amu, so the difference, which must be converted to energy, is 0.00781 atomic mass units, or tex2html_wrap_inline133 of the total mass involved. Thus the total mass ``lost'' to energy if all of the Helium in this red dwarf is cycled through the triple tex2html_wrap_inline121 process is tex2html_wrap_inline137 kg. The energy released by this is then tex2html_wrap_inline139 Joules.

Second part: Calculate the luminosity. Employ the mass-luminosity relationship. An accurate approximation to this is


although any plausible exponent would be acceptable for the purposes of this problem. With the mass of 0.5 solar masses, the luminosity of this star should be tex2html_wrap_inline141 that of the Sun, or tex2html_wrap_inline143 Watts.

Thus the length of time the star could shine by this process is given by E = L T, so tex2html_wrap_inline147 seconds, or about 14 billion years.

(5) The oldest star clusters are believed to be about 12 billion years old. Using the ideas discussed in class about stellar evolution, describe what you would expect to find in such a cluster.

Answer: The star cluster would have been formed with stars of all masses. Since it is so old, all stars with masses greater than a bit less than one solar mass would have evolved off the Main Sequence. The massive ones would have gone through the entire post-Main sequence evolution, produced supernovae, and now have nothing but neutron star remnants. We would expect to find lots of old pulsars in this star cluster. The less massive ones would have gone through the red giant and red supergiant phases, and we would expect to find stars of that sort as well, and also white dwarfs. Finally, still on the Main Sequence would only by stars somewhat less massive than the Sun. An energetic student might quickly calculate out what the limiting mass was.

(6) Explain why a burst of neutrinos is expected as a massive star core collapses.

Answer: As the core collapses, the process of ``neutronization'' will occur, in which


where tex2html_wrap_inline149 indicates a neutrino. Thus every proton in the collapsing core is converted into a neutron in a very short instant of time. Every neutron- production event is accompanied by a neutrino, so there will be a burst of such neutrinos. This neutrino burst was in fact seen in the case of supernova 1987a.

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Steve Spangler
Fri Mar 14 10:50:12 CST 1997