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Tenth Homework Set...Due April 28, 1999

(1) Look at Figure 23-19 of your textbook. What is the minimum value for the mass of the galaxy UGC 12810

(2) M81 is a pretty galaxy. When I was a student, apparent magnitude 19 was just about the faintest star that could be measured with large telescopes and long exposure photographs. What kind of stars could have been measured in M81 in those days?

(3) Very roughly speaking, how fast do you expect the galaxies in the local group to be moving under their mutual gravitational interaction? Hint: Approximate things by calculating the speed that the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way would move if they were the only objects in the local group. Clearly describe your steps.

(4) Imagine the following model for a galaxy. The mass distribution is a uniform sphere of mean density tex2html_wrap_inline16 kilograms/m tex2html_wrap_inline18 and radius 8.0 kiloparsecs. Plot the rotation curve for this galaxy, giving the correct values for the ordinate and abscissa, and the correct functional form for V(r).

(5) Look at Figure 23-19 of the book. Show why the statement in the Figure caption is correct.

Steve Spangler
Fri Apr 23 09:56:43 CDT 1999