Characteristics and Origins of the Solar System
Dr. Spangler, Fall 2001
Steve Spangler innovates to improve attendance in "Characteristics and Origins..."
MWF 10:30 pm; Room 70, Van Allen Hall
Steven R. Spangler
705 Van Allen Hall
Office Hours
2:30-3:30 Tuesday and Thursday, or by appointment
705 Van Allen Hall
Voyages to the Planets
by A. Fraknoi, D. Morrison, and S. Wolff
Lecture Notes
Homework Problems
Exams New and Old
Current Astronomy News
What's up (in the Sky)?
Current NASA missions: spacecraft "Out There"
Mars Odyssey 2001: Arrives Oct 24!
SOHO Views the Sun
CASSINI heads to Saturn
GALILEO orbits Jupiter
MGS scrutinizes Mars
NEAR hugs the asteroid Eros
STARDUST on its way for comet samples
Apollo Results on the Moon