Charles R. Newsom

Associate Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics & Astronomy
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

Dr. Newsom is an Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy and a Research Fellow at the Texas Memorial Museum of the University of Texas. His field of research is in experimental high energy particle physics. He has worked at many laboratories around the world including Los Alamos, Laboratoire National Saturne, Fermilab and CERN. His most recent work was on the CMS experiment which recently announced the discovery of the Higgs boson, the so-called "god" particle.

Teaching Research Vita

His other interests include travel, studying flood control in the Iowa River Basin focusing on the Coralville Dam area, and collecting fossils, with special interest in fossil Nautiloids, Texigryphaea, Exogyra, and Chesapecten species. He is retired and is currently living in Texas and working on his extensive wildflower photo and fossil collection.

Rivers Fossils Travels Wildflowers

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By C. Newsom